Elevate Your Corporate Knowledge into A Flourishing Freelancing Business

Join our vibrant community of professionals who’ve transitioned from corporate roles to freelancing, enjoying the freedom of time and location.

It’s time to Own Your Own Life!

Seamless Transition with Personalized Coaching

Join our community for expert guidance on smoothly transitioning from traditional employment to freelancing.

Blueprint for Building Your Digital Marketing Agency

Discover the journey from freelancer to entrepreneur in our vibrant community of aspiring digital marketers.

What you’ll learn in Interpreneur Hub?

Embark Journey

Our community supports corporate professionals, guiding them through industry basics, helping identify their path, and ensuring profitability in freelancing.

Get Going

We empower professionals with essential skills, provide tailored resources, and facilitate networking opportunities for a seamless transition into freelancing success.

Elevate Growth

Fuel your freelancing success with our Scale Up phase, where we guide you in elevating growth and transitioning to launching your own thriving digital agency.

Topics you’ll learn
inside this community

Freelance Landscape

Skill Assessment

Personal Brand

Time Management

Financial Management

Marketplace & Platforms

Relationship Building

Legal Contracts

Marketing & Networking

Scaling Business

Work-Life Balance

Success Stories

How does it work?

Your Journey to Freelancing Success

A 4-Step Adventure

Webinar Exploration

Attend a webinar to explore the world of freelancing and entrepreneurship.

Enrollment & Weekly Calls

Dive into our comprehensive courses designed to equip you with the skills needed for freelancing success & participate in weekly calls.

Dr. Chyna Jackson

Optometrist Specialist

Choose Your Path

Join our vibrant community by opting for one of three membership levels: Silver, Gold or Diamond.

Awards & Recognition

As you progress through the courses and actively participate in the community, strive to achieve the set targets.

Embark on this 4-step journey and let’s make your freelancing dreams a reality!

About Me

With 15+ years in the corporate world and running two businesses as solopreneur, I’ve figured out the ins and outs of running a digital agency. Now, I’m here to help working professionals not just kickstart freelancing but also set up their own agency. Let’s make your business dreams a reality while enjoying the freedom of time, location, and family. I’m Amit Dhuria, and I’m here to simplify your journey to success.


I'm Amit Dhuria, your dedicated navigator, poised to streamline your path to success. Embrace the entrepreneurial journey with confidence, as I bring my wealth of experience to simplify your trajectory towards a fulfilling and prosperous future. Let's embark on this transformative adventure hand in hand, turning your dreams into accomplishments.

Meet Our Community Superstars

Our community offers tailored courses, exclusive resources, and a supportive network to guide you from freelancing to successfully running your own digital agency.

We offer Silver, Gold, and Diamond memberships, each providing varying levels of access to coaching, resources, and networking opportunities, catering to your unique needs.

Absolutely! Our courses are designed to accommodate all skill levels, providing foundational knowledge for beginners while offering advanced insights for seasoned professionals.

Weekly coaching calls occur regularly, covering a range of topics from skill-building sessions to Q&A sessions, ensuring continuous support and guidance throughout your journey.

Yes, you have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your membership level based on your evolving needs and goals within the community.

Results vary, but many members report noticeable improvements within the first few months, with dedicated effort and application of the course materials.

frequently asked questions

Unlock the secrets to seamless career transitions and entrepreneurial growth with our comprehensive FAQ guide. Navigate the path from working professional to thriving freelancer and agency owner with confidence and clarity.

Levels of Membership




Who is this community for?

Working Professional working under these industries

IT Companies









Real Estate

Food & Beverages









Internet Marketing

Benefits of joining this community

Tailored Coaching Sessions

Receive personalized coaching sessions designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by working professionals transitioning to freelancing. Our coaching is tailored to help you smoothly navigate the freelancing landscape and maximize your success.

Proven Strategies for Success

Gain access to a wealth of proven strategies and techniques that have helped countless professionals successfully make the leap to freelancing. Learn the secrets to building a sustainable freelancing career while enjoying the benefits of flexible work hours and location independence.

Supportive Community Network

Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals on a similar freelancing journey. Connect with peers, share experiences, and receive valuable insights and support. Our community fosters collaboration, ensuring you never feel alone in your pursuit of freelancing success.

Exclusive Resource Library

Access an exclusive library of resources, including templates, guides, and tools specifically curated to assist you at every stage of your freelancing journey. From crafting compelling proposals to managing finances, our resource library is a valuable asset for your professional growth.

Industry Insights and Trends

Stay ahead of the curve with regular updates on industry trends, market demands, and freelancing best practices. Our community provides you with the knowledge and insights needed to adapt to the ever-changing freelancing landscape, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Collaboration and Networking

Unlock opportunities for collaboration with fellow community members and potential clients. Our networking events and collaboration platforms provide a space for you to showcase your skills, connect with clients, and expand your freelancing network for long-term success.

Benefits of joining this community

Tailored Coaching Sessions

Receive personalized coaching sessions designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by working professionals transitioning to freelancing. Our coaching is tailored to help you smoothly navigate the freelancing landscape and maximize your success.

Proven Strategies for Success

Gain access to a wealth of proven strategies and techniques that have helped countless professionals successfully make the leap to freelancing. Learn the secrets to building a sustainable freelancing career while enjoying the benefits of flexible work hours and location independence.

Supportive Community Network

Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals on a similar freelancing journey. Connect with peers, share experiences, and receive valuable insights and support. Our community fosters collaboration, ensuring you never feel alone in your pursuit of freelancing success.

Exclusive Resource Library

Access an exclusive library of resources, including templates, guides, and tools specifically curated to assist you at every stage of your freelancing journey. From crafting compelling proposals to managing finances, our resource library is a valuable asset for your professional growth.

Industry Insights and Trends

Stay ahead of the curve with regular updates on industry trends, market demands, and freelancing best practices. Our community provides you with the knowledge and insights needed to adapt to the ever-changing freelancing landscape, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Collaboration and Networking

Unlock opportunities for collaboration with fellow community members and potential clients. Our networking events and collaboration platforms provide a space for you to showcase your skills, connect with clients, and expand your freelancing network for long-term success.

Why join Freelancing Industry ?

$1. Trillion
Annual Contribution to the World Economy
40 %
Growth in demand of Freelancers
3. Million
Number of Agencies World-Wide
8 %
freelancers reported a better work-life balance